El 6th New York Volunteers, llamado también "Wilson´s Zouaves" fue la única unidad de la Unión que no tenia un uniforme llamativo de Zuavo, pero sin embargo tenian su actitud. Fue creada por William Wilson, un neoyorkino de no muy buena reputación.
El 6th New York Volunteers no pudo suministrar uniformes de zuavos, y fueron uniformados con camisas gruesas grises y un guirnalda tricolor para si pecho.
Wilson llamó a sus hombres para jurar y apoyar la bandera y nunca encogerse hasta la última gota de sangre.
Empezaron la campaña en junio de 1861, embarcados hacia Florida. El 9 de Octubre de 1861, fueron atacados por tropas Confederadas en la isla donde estaban acampados, causando la devacle y la quema de las tiendas.
No estaban muy bien considerados por la disciplina, pero ellos demostraron con creces la actitud del principio y cumplieron con éxito en el XIX Corps, y Wilson volvió con sus chicos en junio de 1863.
Ilustración por Don Troiani.
The 6th New York Volunteers known as "Wilson´s Zouaves" were the only unit in the Union zouave militia that didn't wear a "fancy zouave uniform", but like a Zouave unit they had plenty of attitude. It was created by Mr William Wilson, a New Yorker from the "roughs and bad boys".
The 6th New York Volunteers was unable to supply Zouave uniforms and was dressed by a new thick grey shirt, and a tricolor cockcade on their chests.
Wilson called on his men to swear to support the flag and never flinch through blood or death.
They started their campaign in June 1861, being shipped to Florida, on October 9, 1861. A Confederate attack upon the regiment´s island camp caused a rout and the burning of their tents. There was not a good consideration about discipline, but they proved worthy of its initial attitude and served with success in the XIX Corps. Wilson took his boys home in June 1863.
Art by Don Troiani.
Thanks Dave for your help.
1 comentario:
Your blog is great! Is it the first worldwide Zouave blog on the internet! Colleagues in Australia and Germany have commented on it to me. Great work.
I soon shall have the link up at our website, just been a bit busy this last fortnight. Keep up the great work.
Zoo zoo zoo and a tiger...grrrrrr
Zouave Sanders
62d NY Anderson Zouaves
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