l mosquete “Zouave” fue un presente de mis amigos de Festa Avant! con motivo de la capitanía del Tercio de Zuavos de 2007, en la cual aparece la dedicatoria en la coz de cobre, y cito textualmente “ Record de la teua Capitanía 2007 del teus amics de Festa Avant! Carlos, Nacho, Fermín, Luis, Vicent, Moma i Rafa”

Fue encargada al que es el mejor armero en arcabucería de la actualidad en España, “Artesanía
el Rojo” de Caudete (Albacete), el cual ha sido el encargado de proveer las armas en la película Alatriste y otras producciones cinematográficas.
Es una pieza única, ya que sólo se ha fabricado esta unidad para este fin, y es una replica adaptada para arcabucería del Mosquete Remington 1863 “Zouave”, y así lo pone en la inscripción en platina lateral. Al igual que al lado del punzonado del arma, se lee la siguiente inscripción

Es una pieza única, ya que sólo se ha fabricado esta unidad para este fin, y es una replica adaptada para arcabucería del Mosquete Remington 1863 “Zouave”, y así lo pone en la inscripción en platina lateral. Al igual que al lado del punzonado del arma, se lee la siguiente inscripción
Con un peso de 5 Kg. y una longitud total de 115 cm., es un arma que llama la atención en los

Otra particularidad de este arma es la longitud del cañón de 72 cm. y el calibre del 47 (12 mm), hace que el disparo sea diferente, al ser este mas cerrado en la salida y un sonido más seco que un arcabuz convencional.

Al igual que el arma original, tiene las abrazaderas, el delantal, el guardamonte y la coz en un pulido bronce, y la madera de la cureña y el afuste de es Nogal. El sistema de fuego es mediante chispa, de llave y chimenea.
A todo el conjunto, se le añade a la boca del cañón una bayoneta de bronce, como elemento decorativo del arma, y que llama aun más la atención.
Colección Nacho Silvestre
The “Zouave “ Musket was a present from my friends Festa Avant! In honour to my capitaincy of Terç de Suavos in 2007, that you can read a the butt plate “ Present for your 2007 capitaincy from your friends of Festa Avant! Carlos, Nacho, Fermín, Luis, Vicent, Moma and Rafa”.
It was ordered to the best muzzle loading arms factory in Spain, “Artesanía el Rojo” from Caudete (Albacete), they were the suplier the arms to the movie “Alatriste” and other movies productions.
It is a unique piece, just the make one for this reason, and it is a reply, adapt for muzzle loader from the Remington 1863 “Zouave” Mosquet, and you can see it a the lockplate. And also you can apreciate, just beside the marked the follow inscription
It weight 5 Kg. with a 125 cm. total long, it is a interesting weapon as the place were fire it, because it´s a diferent as a regular arms, and to content element as the ramrod, totally functional.
Another aspect is the barrel size, with 72 cm long, and a 47 (12 mm) caliber, makes that the shoot diffent, because it is closer and a dry sound that a regular muzzle loader
As the original weapon, has the brass, lock screw washer, triggerguard, trigger plate and the butt plate are finished in highly polished brass, and the stock in wood. The firing system is percussion by a hummer.
For the rest of the weapon, just at the end of a barrel is a bayonet, like a decorative element, and give it a attention.
The “Zouave “ Musket was a present from my friends Festa Avant! In honour to my capitaincy of Terç de Suavos in 2007, that you can read a the butt plate “ Present for your 2007 capitaincy from your friends of Festa Avant! Carlos, Nacho, Fermín, Luis, Vicent, Moma and Rafa”.
It was ordered to the best muzzle loading arms factory in Spain, “Artesanía el Rojo” from Caudete (Albacete), they were the suplier the arms to the movie “Alatriste” and other movies productions.
It is a unique piece, just the make one for this reason, and it is a reply, adapt for muzzle loader from the Remington 1863 “Zouave” Mosquet, and you can see it a the lockplate. And also you can apreciate, just beside the marked the follow inscription
It weight 5 Kg. with a 125 cm. total long, it is a interesting weapon as the place were fire it, because it´s a diferent as a regular arms, and to content element as the ramrod, totally functional.
Another aspect is the barrel size, with 72 cm long, and a 47 (12 mm) caliber, makes that the shoot diffent, because it is closer and a dry sound that a regular muzzle loader
As the original weapon, has the brass, lock screw washer, triggerguard, trigger plate and the butt plate are finished in highly polished brass, and the stock in wood. The firing system is percussion by a hummer.
For the rest of the weapon, just at the end of a barrel is a bayonet, like a decorative element, and give it a attention.
Nacho Silvestre Collection
#zouave #musket
#zouave #musket
1 comentario:
Es una increíble pieza!
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